About Us

I'd like to tell you a story ... if I may.

James Baldwin

Maven Radio was born out of the spirit to help everyday consumers like you and I.

Maven Radio began as an idea after reading Malcolm Gladwell’s Book “The Tipping Point.”  In his book Gladwell describes three archetypes: Mavens, Connectors, and Salesmen.  

A Maven is described as an “information specialist” essentially the type of person that society relies upon to provide new information.  They specialize in acquiring knowledge and sharing it with others.  Gladwell states, “Mavens are really information brokers sharing and trading what they know.”

A Connector is defined as a person with an extraordinary knack for making friends and acquaintances.  A person that “links us up with the world.”  Typically people with over 100 individuals within their social network.

A Salesperson is a “persuader.”  A salesman can take an idea and give it legs, make it attractive for other people to join in, to buy, to sell, etc.  They are masters to get you to buy into whatever it is they are selling and not limited to products or services, it could be an idea or way of life as well.

With all this knowledge this webiste is aimed on providing the consumer – you with the best traits of all three people: Mavens, Connectors, and Salesmen.

Why Radio you may be wondering?  Simple, the radio is the oldest form of free mass communication since the 20th Century.  Sure we have the internet, but you need service of some kind which is not always free to the public.  Radio waves however, remain true to form with effectively disseminating information to its audience.

Maven Radio exists to provide the information to the consumer for free!